Monday, September 28, 2009

My List of Ten September 28, 2009

My list is about ten things I want to do before I die . . . . .

1. Win Provincals in Canadian Fastpitch.

2. Travel to Europe.

3. Get a Degree in Education.

4. Go to Yankee Stadium.

5. Travel to all the provinces.

6. Meet Derek Jeter in person.

7. Write a Book.

8. Go to space.

9. Play ball in the States.

10. Collect as many fossils as I can in ten years.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Inappropriate Language

This is a survey that Heather and Me did for English class and, it's on Inappropriate Language. Be Honest when you answer please! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

10 Things I Want to be When I Grow Up!!

Well I really don't know who I want to be when I grow up. But I have a couple things in mind and they are . . .

1. Middle School Teacher

2. Geologist-who discovers rocks, and fossils

3. Professional Softball Player play for(Team Canada)

4. Elementary Teacher

5. University Professor

6. Optometrist

7. Grounds Keepper for MLB (Major Leauge Baseball)

8. Piano Teacher

9. Blue Jays Masscot

10. Doctor

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What I Learned the Couple Days of School

Yesterday we learned about cells, and we tried to guess what cells look like. I thought they might look like circles and lots of dots. Today I learned how to do exponents in Math Class. The grade 8's did them last year but I didn't do exponents. I like exponents because it's a lot faster then writing everthing out! Trust Me! I just found out that next Tuseday we are get new lockers!!!!!