Monday, December 21, 2009

My Reflections of 2009!

My reflections of 2009 are . . .

- Going to Toronto and seeing the Blue Jays play, and also seeing them play the Yankee's.
- Going to Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Going to Olympic Park at Utah.
- Finding out that my Dad is Cancer free!
- Turned Thirteen.
- Going to my Grandpa's over the Summer.
- Watching my sisters play ball.
- Winning tournaments for ball.
- Going too my cousins

Monday, November 30, 2009

Facebook Unblocked in School! Yes or No?

I think it should be blocked sometimes. The only time that we need it is when you need pictures off facebook for school. The other times I think it should be blocked because there is a lot of troubled on facebook. Facebook should just be at home, and other places but not school.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Banding Cell Phones When Driving! Yes or No?

Some people are discussing to band cell phones when you are driving. I think that they should band cell phones we you are driving because a lot of people get into accidents when they are driving, and it's not just driving it's texting too. A friend of mind last year did a science fair project about cell phones and how bad it is to use it when you drive and. So, yes I do think they should band cell phones when you drive.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Voki

Get a Voki now!

Monday, November 9, 2009

How to Walk to the Stage from Kylie's and Robert's Desk

Last week in English we had to make up directions to do something. My partner and I did the directions to go from our desk to the stage. We had to do the directions very specific.

The steps are . . .

1. Stand up/wake up.
2. Walk six paces and turn 90 degrees right.
3. Then walk 5 paces and turn 90 degrees right.
4. Reach out your hand and turn the door knob to to the right and pull the door.
5. Walk three paces then turn to the right 90 degrees.
6. Walk 26 paces then turn left 90 degrees.
7. Walk four paces then open the door by turning the door knob to the right and pull the door.
8. Now you are at the stage.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Volleyball Playoff's

This weekend is the Volleyball Playoffs in Plenty. I'm really excited and this is my first Sr. Girls Playoffs. I play power and my sister playes on the same team and she plays middle. I can't wait for this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Macklin Tournament

This weekend was the Macklin Tournament for our school's Sr. Volleyball team. The first day that we played was on Friday and we tied all our games. The teams that we played on Friday were John Paul 2 and Lashburn. Next day on Saturday we tied our first game against Lloyd and we lost our second game against Macklin. But the first game was really close. I had a great time!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

My List of Ten September 28, 2009

My list is about ten things I want to do before I die . . . . .

1. Win Provincals in Canadian Fastpitch.

2. Travel to Europe.

3. Get a Degree in Education.

4. Go to Yankee Stadium.

5. Travel to all the provinces.

6. Meet Derek Jeter in person.

7. Write a Book.

8. Go to space.

9. Play ball in the States.

10. Collect as many fossils as I can in ten years.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Inappropriate Language

This is a survey that Heather and Me did for English class and, it's on Inappropriate Language. Be Honest when you answer please! :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

10 Things I Want to be When I Grow Up!!

Well I really don't know who I want to be when I grow up. But I have a couple things in mind and they are . . .

1. Middle School Teacher

2. Geologist-who discovers rocks, and fossils

3. Professional Softball Player play for(Team Canada)

4. Elementary Teacher

5. University Professor

6. Optometrist

7. Grounds Keepper for MLB (Major Leauge Baseball)

8. Piano Teacher

9. Blue Jays Masscot

10. Doctor

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What I Learned the Couple Days of School

Yesterday we learned about cells, and we tried to guess what cells look like. I thought they might look like circles and lots of dots. Today I learned how to do exponents in Math Class. The grade 8's did them last year but I didn't do exponents. I like exponents because it's a lot faster then writing everthing out! Trust Me! I just found out that next Tuseday we are get new lockers!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Jam Night

On Thursday June 4th is the Major School Jam Night. It;s my first Jam Night and I'm very excited! We are doing three songs Lolly Pop, Three dressed up as a Nine, and a Melody. The instruments that I play are base, guitar, and for one I sing with two other girls. I can't wait for Thursday!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Track and Field

On Wednesday we have our track and field meet. I'm really excited about it. The eventes i'm doing are shot put, discis, and triple jump. We go to BattleFord for the big meet. In every year that I can possibly do track and field I have done it. There are two days for the trac meet, and i'm going both days. I cant wait!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Major School Being Open

The school divison desided to keep the Major School open for three more years. I'm so happy that it's still open. I really like like school. I think lots of people are happy that Major School is still open. I don't know where I would go if the School closed?

Tomorrow's Ball Game

Tomorrow I have a ball game and it's against North Battleford. They're a strong team. I'm really exited beacause this is my first league game. I play for the Unity Panthers. I play first base, second base, and pitcher. I really like my team this year. We 12 players on my team. We have a pretty strong team.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Science Fair

Tomorrow Is the BIG Science Fair day in Unity. I can't wait, it will be a long day though. My project is on finding witch is the best brand of paper towel, and Bounty is the best brand of paper towel. You get jugged three times, and I usually get very nervous. Then after the long day is over we get to go for Chinese Food! YUMMY! It's going to be a fun day!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Drama Night

This Wednesday is the Drama Night at school and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! I have 1 of the main parts in the play. It's called Ransom of Emily Jane and I'm Emily Jane. It's about a 12 year old girl who gets kidnapped by two people. There is gossip girls too, who talk about me being kidnapped. I governess who I get to torture, and a rich dad. Well I can't wait for Wednesday!! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Blood Test

Today I had to go an get my blood test. It was my first time today. I was nervous, my dad gets blood test all the time and he said it's a piece of cake! When i got there I was very nervous. Then a guy said to lie on the bed. He put a rubber band around the top of my arm. After that he poked the needle in my vein. There were six different vials. The last won started to poke. I think it was in there for 1 minute. Finally I was finished i i was not nervous anymore!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Reading Unit

This unit in reading we are doing Medieval Times. I'm very exited about it. We have to pick a non fiction and a fiction book. My non fiction is In The Time Of Knights and my fiction book is Robin Hood. We also have to do a little project Medieval people, a comparision chart, and three other Medieval Time papers. At the end of this unit we get to have a Medieval Feast, and everyone has to cook a Medieval meal. To go with in meal we get to dress up like Medieval. http://http//

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Seven Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I Love to play softball! I've been playing softball for four years and, throwing and catching when younger. I play first base and pitcher. I go to pitching clinics and softball camps. My family has a big family history!

2. I Love to play the piano! I am in grade 5 in piano. Both my Grandma and my Mom are piano teachers. I also take theory. If you look downstairs in my basement you will see a whole room full of piano books.

3. My favorite color is blue!

4. I have two sisters one is in her second year of university. The other in in grade eleven.

5. My favotie class is english and, it's my highest mark!

6. My favorite thing to do is going to ball tournements with my family. Also playing video games.

7. My favoite kind of pet is a huskey dog.